
View the Project on GitHub smcnally/kb

blender is my primary video editor and a key asset pipeline source and consumer. shuttle-go gives us a physical jog wheel, shuttle, and purpose-built buttons tailored to blender workflows in Linux.

blender keybindings

blender devs make it portable, sharable, and frictionless to work in multiple, parallel versions. The Keymap is a prime example of this.


Within blender, you can review, create and Export your keybindings. Once you’ve exported your Keymap, you can review and update that .py file in your editor of choice. Both reviews are good ways to see a ton of time- and flow-saving functions and shortcuts. Where shortcuts and functions don’t already exist, creating new ones is straightfoward.

     {"type": 'PAGE_UP', "value": 'PRESS', "repeat": True},
      [("next", True),
       ("center", False),
     {"type": 'PAGE_DOWN', "value": 'PRESS', "repeat": True},
      [("next", False),
       ("center", False),


shuttle-go lets us map any blender shortcut to ShuttlePro’s 13 buttons, jog dial, and shuttle wheel. The blender setup is another good propmt to review time- and flow-saving functions and shortcuts.

    "B1": "0xff56 // Clip Start (PageDown)",
    "B2": "0xff55 // Clip End (PageUp)",

Setups for OBS, Ardour and Lightworks are in the same config file.